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Find and Shop Local Creatives.

A community platform and marketplace to simply, safely, and locally find creatives.

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How things work

Join to shop creative locals, stay for the community.

Shop Local Creatives

The best way to invest in your culture, local culture. Who doesn’t love stronger communities!

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Free to Use

We don’t make money until you make money. We offer a marketplace, secure payments, ratings, and creative community in exchange for a 10% commission once you sell. Otherwise, these no up front costs.

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Secure Payment and Ratings

Pay with a credit card. The marketplace holds your money until you've received what you bought, so we can all avoid people who don’t pay and people who don’t show up.

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JOIN OUR CULT of local creative community or become a CounterCult ambassador to create a chapter where you’re based.


Explore Locations

See some of our locations. Get in touch if you want us to add a location feature.

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Video is a great way to explain your value proposition quickly.


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